by aevans | Nov 21, 2014 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a thing to make a musical instrument (soda can, 2 aluminum pie plates, 2 paper bowls, a toilet paper roll, or a container that has a top such as an oatmeal box or a plastic ice cream container). Topic: Music The universal language The value we’ll...
by aevans | Nov 14, 2014 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a pinecone to make thankful turkeys. Topic: Pilgrims Thanksgiving for our great abundance The value we’ll be studying is wisdom, which is the ability to judge rightly and follow the best course of action. For manners, we’ll learn to make...
by aevans | Nov 6, 2014 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a beautiful natural thing. (Think feather, seed pod,animal pelt, etc.) Topic: Native Americans Learning about another culture The value we’ll be studying is honor, which means we would never lie, cheat, or steal. For ecology, we’ll take a...
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