by aevans | Jan 31, 2020 | Newsletter
* * Show and Tell * * Bring something you wear made of a different material. (Anyone have a feather boa?) Topic: Clothing Clothes cover, protect, and adorn us. The value is compassion, which is to understand how others are feeling. For manners we’ll learn...
by aevans | Jan 31, 2020 | Newsletter
* * Show and Tell * * Bring something you wear made of a different material. (Anyone have a feather boa?) Topic: Clothing Clothes cover, protect, and adorn us. The value is compassion, which is to understand how others are feeling. For manners we’ll learn...
by aevans | Jan 24, 2020 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring something used to build a house. Topic: Housing Almost all creatures find shelter. The value is collaboration, which is the power to work together for the common good. For safety we’ll learn how to resist stuff in our environment that is not good...
by aevans | Jan 15, 2020 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring something made in the Far East. Topic: The Orient We’ll explore the Far East The value we’ll be studying is wisdom, which is the power to judge rightly and to take the best course of action. For cooking, we’ll make stir-fry. Outside, we’ll play...
by aevans | Jan 10, 2020 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a picture of weather. Topic: Weather The what and why of weather The value is justice, which means fairness and equality for all people. For science we’ll study warm air/cold air, tornado in a bottle, and how to make a rainbow. Outside we’ll...
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