
SHOW AND TELL Bring a small thing you can do to help. (Think a happy smile, a pretty picture, a winter bird treat Topic: How We Help What can one person do? The value is compassion, which is to be sorrowful for the trouble of another – and to take action to help fix...


SHOW AND TELL Bring pictures of things you will have – or would like to have – for Thanksgiving dinner. Topic: Pilgrims Thanksgiving for our great abundance The value is wisdom, which is the ability to judge rightly and follow the best course of action. For manners...


SHOW AND TELL Bring an item you found on your nature walk. Topic: Native Americans Understand the culture of Native Americans The value is honor, which means that we never lie, cheat, or steal. It’s easier to say this than to do this. For ecology we’ll take a nature...


SHOW AND TELL Bring a picture of a large and small domestic animal. Topic: Domestic Animals The animals that help us The value is responsibility, which means to take care of something of value. For cooking, we’ll have fun with popcorn. Outside we’ll play Doggie,...