by aevans | Mar 29, 2019 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a feather. Topic: Birds How feathered creatures are adapted to their habitats. The value is wisdom, which is to direct your actions based on knowledge, experience, and what’s best for the common good. For science we’ll make rainbows...
by aevans | Mar 22, 2019 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a thing for our creative dramatics that could be magical. Topic: Faerie Tales It’s okay to be silly sometimes. The value is joy. A way to be joyful is to notice sensations and goodness in our lives. Another way is to delight in the stories around...
by aevans | Mar 8, 2019 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a thing about Europe. (Something from Europe, a picture of a European landmark, or art created by a European.) Topic: Europe Let’s explore the European continent. The value is collaboration. which emphasizes the interdependence of all...
by aevans | Mar 1, 2019 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a beautiful thing made by a person. Topic: Art Every beautiful thing that people make is art. The value is joy. which is a very glad feeling. It’s a great happiness. For safety we’ll learn to be a community of people who learn from...
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