
SHOW AND TELL Bring a tool or some construction material used to build a house.       Topic: Housing Almost all animals find shelter. The value is collaboration, which means to work together for the common good. For safety we’ll practice saying no to...


SHOW AND TELL Bring something that was made from using a needle and thread   Topic: Clothing Clothes protect, cover, and adorn us. The value we’ll be studying is compassion, which is to understand how others are feeling. For manners, we’ll learn how important it...


SHOW AND TELL Bring a something you use to adapt to the weather. (A bathing suit would be fine.) Topic: Weather The what and why of weather.The value is justice. In our country the first rule is that all people are created equal. For science we’ll make a tornado in a...


SHOW AND TELL Bring a thing that keeps you warm.   Topic: Polar Regions How people live in the extreme coldThe value is courage, which means that you can deal with things that are dangerous, difficult, or painful. For cooking we’ll make Eskimo ice cream and...