
SHOW AND TELL Bring a picture of a cool way to go. Topic: Ways We Go We have many ways to go. The value is responsibility. When we are responsible, we take charge of our own actions. When we accept responsibility, that’s being a leader. For safety we’ll talk about...


SHOW AND TELL Bring a machine your family uses (hammer, zipper, padlock with a key, etc.).   Topic: Machines How machines make our work easier The value is self-reliance. We want to have confidence in our own abilities. Because we think we can, we do. For...


SHOW AND TELL Bring something we can use to make a fossil (leaf, sea shell, small bone, a nut, etc.). Topic: Prehistoric About an Earth we didn’t know. The value is humility, which is understanding that there’s so much we don’t know, we need to be careful not to boast...