by aevans | Feb 23, 2018 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring something pioneers might have used. Topic: Pioneers We’ll learn what life was like 200 years ago. The value is self-reliance, which means to have confidence in your own ability and in your own judgment. Pioneers had to be self-reliant because they...
by aevans | Feb 14, 2018 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring an item that might have been used on a chuck wagon. (Think skillet, beans, firewood, etc.) Topic: Rodeo Learn about a custom of the Old West The value is courage, which means to be brave. We need courage to try new things, to stand up for what is...
by aevans | Feb 9, 2018 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a thing made in the Orient Topic: Orient We’ll explore the Far East The value is wisdom, which is the ability to judge rightly and to take the best course of action. For cooking we’ll make stir-fry and noodles. Outside we’ll learn the game jan ken...
by aevans | Feb 2, 2018 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a picture of a president. (Money works really well.) Topic: Presidents Learn about people who have served our country as President. The value is responsibility, which means to take care of something of value. It includes leadership, which is...
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