
SHOW AND TELL Bring an item that might have been used on a chuck wagon. (Think skillet, beans, firewood, etc.) Topic: Rodeo Learn about a custom of the Old West The value is courage, which means to be brave. We need courage to try new things, to stand up for what is...


SHOW AND TELL Bring a small piece of “junk” for our junk sculptures. (Consider bolts or washers, empty thread spools scraps of cloth, feathers, buttons, etc.)   Topic: Pioneers About life 200 years ago The value is self-reliance, which means to have confidence in...


SHOW AND TELL Bring a piece of clothing you don’t wear everyday Topic: Clothing Clothes protect, cover, and adorn us. The value we’ll be studying is compassion, which is to understand how others are feeling. For manners, we’ll learn how important it is to stay...


SHOW AND TELL Bring a picture of a president. (Money works great for this.) Topic: Presidents Learn about people who have served our country as president. The value is responsibility, which is to take care of something of value. It includes leadership. For manners,...