by aevans | Oct 27, 2016 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring something red, something white, and something blue Topic: Citizenship On becoming a good citizen The value is collaboration, which means to work together for the common good. For science, we’ll explore tastes and smells. Do you know the taste...
by aevans | Oct 21, 2016 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring something black and something orange. Topic: US Geography Our land from sea to shining sea The value is self-reliance, which is having confidence in our own ability and judgment. For safety, we’ll talk about stranger safety, about what to do if you...
by aevans | Oct 14, 2016 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a picture of a wild animal that lives in North America. Topic: North America Let’s explore North America The value is frugality, which is wasting nothing. We’re frugal because our earth needs us to be careful with everything we have. For cooking,...
by aevans | Oct 6, 2016 | Newsletter
SHOW AND TELL Bring a thing that blows in the wind. Topic: Middle East Understand and appreciate this diverse culture The value we’ll be studying is frugality, which means to use all our resources wisely. For science we’ll learn what makes the wind blow. Outside,...
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