
SHOW AND TELL Bring an article of “handmade” Topic: Clothing Sewing touches every aspect of our lives The value we’ll be studying is compassion, which means to understand how others are feeling. For manners, we’ll practice everyday manners like not pushing and...


SHOW AND TELL Bring something made in the Far East Topic: Asia Learn about this continent The value we’ll be studying is wisdom, which is the power to judge rightly and to take the best course of action For cooking, we’ll have a Doll’s Day tea. Outside, we’ll...


SHOW AND TELL Bring something big and something little. Topic: Astronomy Understand the immensity of space The value we’ll be studying is humility. As powerful as human beings are, space is so enormous that it helps us understand how small we really are. For...


SHOW AND TELL Bring some interesting paper for our torn-paper project. Understand why we have weather The value we’ll be studying is justice and how Martin Luther King fought to have equal just for all people. For science, we’ll study warm air and cold air....


SHOW AND TELL Bring a thing to keep you warm Topic: Polar Regions How people and animals adapt to the cold. The value we’ll be studying is courage, which is to be able to think...