Bring something orange.

Topic: Citizenship

Becoming a good citizen

The value is collaboration, which means to work together.

For science we’ll learn about smells and taste. Do you know what umami tastes like?

Outside we’ll learn the game follow the leader.

The songs we’ll be singing are This Land Is My Land, God Bless America, America the Beautiful, Star Spangled Banner, and Battle Hymn of the Republic.

Our art activities are puzzles, paper sculpture, marble art, patriotic mosaic, and craft stick flag.

Creative dramatics will be practicing how to have an election.

For body development, we’ll work on strength with sit ups, chin-ups, and pushups. For motor development we’ll do vestibular function exercises with ice skating, spin ‘n throw, human bowling, and dizzy izzy.

The Ability to Be a Good Sport

In a nation where sports are a major source of entertainment, the ability to be a good sport is a prized character trait. A good sport is recognized by playing for the enjoyment of playing, not just to win. A line from a movie goes “If winning is the only thing for you, it won’t ever be enough”. We want life to be enough for our children, with all its richness and challenges and opportunity. And because attitude can make or break how you feel about your life, a sportsmanlike attitude can go a long way toward feeling like a winner. Talk with your child about the things a person does to be a good sport:

  • Do your best every time.
  • Say nice things to others when they do well.
  • Don’t complain. Make positive suggestions.
  • Recognize talent and effort in others.
  • Everyone gets a turn.

When we’re developing critical thinking skills in our children at the school, we play “what if” games. Talk with your child at non-emotional times about when it’s hard to be a good sport:

  • When you make a mistake.
  • When you have to take your turn last.
  • When they’re bigger than you or have better toys than you do.
  • When they win.


Working to have a sportsmanlike attitude can be very hard. As adults, there are courses in human relations, customer service, and team building. It’s really hard work. Our little children look to us to find out how to do it. Here are some answers you can give to help:

  • Think about how much fun it would be to play (said when the child wants to quit).
  • It may be more fun to play than to be left out.
  • Watch what good things others do and try to do it like they do.
  • Say nice things to others who are trying, too, like “good job” and “nice try”.
  • Smile. It makes your body think it’s happy.

On the Calendar

Halloween Carnival – The carnival will begin at 10 A.M. and last about an hour. Students should come dressed in their costume and have school clothes to change into after the carnival. We could use more trinkets for the children to win at the various booths and we’ll need a few parents to volunteer from 9:45 – 11:00 look for the sign up form in the foyer.

Indian Pow Wow – We did the Native Americans theme a couple of weeks ago to introduce our children to the vast variety of people who lived in this country before Europeans invaded. On November 10 and 11, Trader’s Village off Hwy 290 will host this annual event with dances, foods, and ceremonies. It’s colorful and educational. Put it on your calendar for a fun day.



In the Infant class Tyler had a lesson on the triangle peg board, after just one demonstration Tyler focused and completed the work then he put the pegs back in the basket and repeated the work two more times. When Tyler went outside with the toddlers, at first he was uncomfortable with all the students gathering around him with the intention on greeting him. Kinsley took it upon herself to take Tyler’s hand and walk with him on the playground and that put Tyler at ease and he began socializing with his soon to be classmates. In the toddler class, lunch time is a social experience. When Asher, Rhone and Alexis are sitting at the same table they have a conversation about what’s in their lunch box. They make comments like “I like chicken” and “what is