Bring something black and something orange.

Topic: US Geography

Our land from sea to shining sea

The value is self-reliance, which is having confidence in our own ability and judgment.

For safety, we’ll talk about stranger safety, about what to do if you get lost, about uncomfortable touching, and about the power each of us has to control what happens to us.

Outside, we’ll do a trust walk.

The songs we’ll be singing are America the Beautiful, Deep in the Heart of Texas, When the Saints Go Marching In, Them Bones, Dixie, and Camptown Races.

For creative dramatics, we’ll practice safety activites to have our own power.

Our art activities are napkin ghosts, paper bag pumpkins, Halloween resist, cotton swab skeletons, mummy, and cheesecloth ghosts.

For motor development, we’ll work on stamina with a lot of vigorous activity to burn off a sugar high. For motor planning we’ll do an obstacle course, cotton ball blow, animal walks, and wormy.