Bring a paper airplane.

Topic: Ways We Go

We have many ways to go

The value is responsibility, which is taking charge of our own actions. When we take responsibility, we become a leader

For safety, we’ll talk about a lot of ways we have to be responsible for being safe ourselves.

Outside, we’ll have a paper airplane show.

The songs we’ll be singing are The Wheels on the Bus, I’ve Been Wukkin’ on the Railroad, Row Your Boat, Camptown Races, and She’ll be Comin’ Round the Mountain.

For creative dramatics, we’ll play zoo train and rocket ship.

Our art activities are hot air balloon, masking tape patterns, paper airplanes, traffic lights, and geometric vehicles.

For motor development, we’ll work on flexibility with boats and bicycling. For proprioceptive we’ll be like clocks, little ducklings, sleigh riders, and inchworms.