Bring a picture of a cool way to go.
Topic: Ways We Go
We have many ways to go.
The value is responsibility. When we are responsible, we take charge of our own actions. When we accept responsibility, that’s being a leader.
For safety we’ll talk about helping our friends and family stay safe.
Outside we’ll fly our paper airplanes.
The songs we’ll be singing are Wheels on the Bus, I Been Wukkin’ on the Railroad, Row Your Boat, Camptown Races, and She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain.
Our art activities are hot air balloon, masking tape patterns, paper airplanes, and traffic lights.
Creative dramatics will be pretending to be a zoo train and a rocket ship.
For body development, we’ll work on flexibility with row your boat and bicycling. For motor development we’ll do proprioception exercises with duckling walks, inchworms, sleigh rides, and making clock face times (numbers) with our bodies.
“A child’s parents are not his makers but his guardians. They must protect him and have a deep concern for him like one who assumes some sacred trust.”
Maria Montessori
Parents often wonder about their role in providing a learning environment in the home and ways to support their child’s education. Dr. Montessori viewed the child as a member of a family, not as an isolated individual, and one whose most formative life experiences take place within their family. Current research has determined that essential relationships in the first years of children’s lives have the greatest influence on their emotional development and, as a result, on their later success. Consistent, sensitive care provides the critical foundation for development of empathy, persistence, self-motivation, and the ability to cope with stress and strong feelings that have been found to greatly determine success in adolescent and adult life. Early experiences have a dramatic and unique impact on children’s psychological and neurological development. In addition, children learn to initiate and maintain relationships through aggressive or cooperative behaviors from their early family interactions. Ways of relating to people and expectations of how people will relate back, both positive and negative, are developed during early life. They greatly determine responses children elicit and underlie children’s future relationships. The patterns become increasingly difficult to change over time.
We may know these things, but sometimes we don’t really know how to apply them. These suggestions come from the American Montessori Society:
- Provide organization and consistency. Self-control, responsible behavior, and freedom are outcomes, not starting points.
- Prepare areas and equipment that are child sized.
- Provide appropriate responsibilities and choices.
- Provide real experiences. Nothing man-made compares to the complexity and interest of nature. Plastic doesn’t compare to the real tools parents use.
- Encourage your child to be capable and confident. Empower your child to do it herself.
- Protect your child from media and ideas that are not age appropriate.
- Encourage your child to be an active agent of his own education. Watch for interest and build learning around that.
- Limit toys and games to a workable number.
- Make sure your family’s schedule allows thinking time.
On the Calendar
Classroom Seminars - Some parents talk with their child’s teacher regularly so they don’t have a need to attend the seminar. Please let your child’s teacher know if you will be attending the classroom seminars, if there is not any interest we’ll cancel. Infant class – October 2, toddler class – October 3, primary class – October 4. From 5 – 6 P.M.
Picture Day – On Tuesday October 2, the photographer will be at the school to take individual and sibling pictures. Look for the Lifetouch flyer in the foyer to dictate any special request, like background color; you will also see some suggestions on what to wear.
Towel Donation – The school is in need of towels, if you have some old small, medium or large towels that you really no longer use please consider on donating them to the school. We use towels when there is a big spill our just after a light rain we use towels to dry off the slide, to list a few.
Dates For Your Calendar – We will have our Halloween Carnival on Wednesday October 31, we will need some parents to volunteer for about an hour the carnival will begin around 10 a.m. Parent/Teacher Conferences - We will begin with the infant class on Thursday November 1, toddler class will have conferences on November 5 and 6 and the primary class will have conferences on November 7 and 8. Sign-up sheets will be out mid-October. On November 16, we will have our annual Harvest Festival this is the time when each family is asked to bring a dish that is special in your home and plan on having lunch at the school from 11:30 – 12:30. Well need a lot of volunteer parents for about 30 min. to fill to-go containers that will be given to our city’s homeless. The school will be closed November 21, 22, and 23 for Thanksgiving. On December 14, we will have our Winter Open House - This is the time when parents come to school and students show some of the work they do while at school then we will gather to sing holiday songs and to take our school family portrait. The school will be closed December 24 -28 for Christmas. The school will be closed Tuesday January 1, for New Year’s Day. The school will be closed Monday January 21, for Martin Luther King Jr. day.
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