Bring a picture of a way people go.
(Think outside the box, of things your child doesn’t ordinarily see.)
Topic: Ways We Go
We have many ways to go
The value is responsibility. An important part of leadership is the willingness to take responsibility.
For safety we’ll talk about being responsible for safety in all the places we go.
Outside we’ll have a paper airplane show.
The songs we’ll be singing are Wheels on the Bus, I Been Wukkin’ on the Railroad, Row Your Boat, Camptown Races, and She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain.
Our art activities are hot air balloon, masking tape patterns, paper airplanes, and traffic lights.
Creative dramatics will be zoo train and rocket ships.
For motor development we’ll build flexibility with boats and bicycling. For body development, we’ll work on proprioception with round the clock, little ducklings, inchworm, and sleigh rides.
A couple of times a year our enrichment curriculum focuses on “how we feel”. As a part of this curriculum we talk about all kinds of emotions. We put names to those emotions because by labeling a thing, we can begin to deal with it. Little children don’t recognize feelings. They don’t know what they are, and they don’t know what to do with them. The same thing is true for problems. Many times children don’t even know that they are having problems, much less what to do with them. They don’t always realize that what is happening could be different and better. A problem is something that bothers you because you do not like what is happening. Here are some ideas.
In some cases what the child considers a problem is perhaps a home rule. For example: your room must be cleaned before you play. In this situation, the child needs to learn that the choice is to clean the room and then play, or not get to play. A problem may be that when he plays, the neighbor bothers him. So the room doesn’t get cleaned, and you don’t have a clue what’s going on. In this type of situation, you may wish to talk with your child about why the room cleaning is not happening and how you as the adult can help. Getting your child to talk all the way through the situation may take your utmost diplomacy. If your child is experiencing problems getting along with other people or being liked, first she needs to understand that not everyone likes us. Next she must also be sure that she’s doing her part in getting along with others. You must be a friend to have a friend. Sometimes we just have to stay apart in order to avoid the problem.
You’ll want to encourage your child to share with you about things that bother him. He’ll need to know what you expect him to tell you. Someone making threats, hitting, name calling, or taking or damaging his things are things you should know about. Working with your child to understand what’s really going on can be trying. Is your child a part of the problem? None of us likes to admit that some of what’s happening is our own fault. Most important is that your child knows that you stand with her in working through the situation.
Staff at the school can be an invaluable resource for you in developing a game plan. If it’s a bullying situation, it’s an important life experience to teach your child how to work through the problem instead of letting it continue or even letting it get to the point where your child begins to resort to violence. You’ll want to take special pains to teach your child not to give in to threats or teasing. It’s really important when your child gets old enough to resist taking drugs or shoplifting that she have well developed coping skills as well as a strong moral compass. Especially important is the part about talking with you, her most powerful advocate.
As you work on identifying and naming problems and then dealing with them, notice that dreams and goals work the same way. Can you verbalize these important parts of your life for yourself and for your family?
In General
Safety Everywhere – Our special project next week will be how we are responsible about safety everywhere, with pets, crossing the street, at the mall, with matches, and going to high places. We’ll remind the children that “kids can’t fly”. Ask to see our curriculum if you would like to know the words we’re using so you can be consistent at home
Newsletter – Our weekly newsletter is our primary way of communicating with parents we also send messages via email when necessary, for example bad weather situations. If you would like to get our newsletter sent to your email address please send your request to
Picture Day – Tuesday October 1, the photographer will be at the school and begin taking pictures as early as 8 A.M. You can find flyers in the foyer to choose your background.
Conferences - Look for sing up sheets in the foyer for you to schedule the time you’d like to meet with your child’s teacher.
classroom news
During a recent fire drill the student’s in the primary class was asked, what did we just have? Jack shouted “we had a fire drill” then they were asked, why do we have fire drills? After a moment of silence the students were told to practice so if there is ever a real fire we will know what to do. Children three years and older can react appropriately in an emergency if they know what to do. Parents are urged to have fire drills at home. In the infant class the students are working on identifying their body parts we are working on the head, nose and ears. Jonathan shows his classmates that he knows his body parts by name as he smiles touches his head, nose and ears. Mateo like to touch the teachers head instead of his own. Ian is showing signs of leadership. When the teacher asked the class a question, he is the first to speak up. When singing a song he sings loud and confident, he also helps his younger classmates when he can. Ian will soon be one of the oldest students in his class, he will be given a lot of opportunities be a leader.
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