Bring a simple machine from your house. It could be a screwdriver, a zipper, or a lock and key.
Topic: Machines
How machines make our work easier
The value is self-reliance, which is confidence in our own judgment and abilities. It is our judgment that creates the machine and then uses it in a useful way.
For cooking, we’ll make orange/banana shakes.
Outside, we’ll make bubble sculptures and in the sandbox make a city-scape.
The songs we’ll be singing are The Wheels on the Bus, It’s a Small World, One Hammer, and Do Your Ears Hang Low?
For creative dramatics, we’ll be popcorn poppers, eggbeaters, and trains.
Our art activities are painting with wheels, cars and trucks, and painting with stencils.
For motor development, we’ll work on flexibility with yoga poses. For vestibular function we’ll hop, jump, gallop, skip, spin, roll like a log or a roly-poly, and hang upside down on the chinning bar
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