Bring a simple machine, such as a pencil sharpener, an egg beater, pruning shears, etc.
Topic: Machines
We’re learning about a lot of different machines.
The value we’ll be studying is self-reliance, which is confidence in relying on your own ability and judgment.
For cooking, we’ll be making orange/ banana shakes
Outside, we’ll be making soap sculptures.
The songs we’ll be singing are Wheels on the Bus, It’s a Small World, Do Your Ears Hang Low?, Rock Around the Clock, and One Hammer.
We’ll be pretending to be different machines in creative dramatics.
Our art activities will be wheels, buttons, and stencils.
For body development, we’ll be working on flexibility. In sensory integration, we’ll be improving vestibular function by skipping, spinning, hopping like a bunny, and rolling like a log.
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