Bring something we can use to make a fossil (leaf, sea shell, small bone, a nut, etc.).
Topic: Prehistoric
About an Earth we didn’t know.
The value is humility, which is understanding that there’s so much we don’t know, we need to be careful not to boast about ourselves.
For science, we’ll learn about fossils and sediment.
Outside we’ll work on matching sets of natural materials, which are harder than drawn or photographed objects.
The songs we’ll be singing are Them Bones, Ain’t It Great to Be Crazy, I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing, and Catch a Falling Star.
Our art activities are dinosaur eggs, dragonfly wings, and dinosaur rubbings.
Creative dramatics will be playing musical dinosaurs.
For body development, we’ll work on flexibility with stretching hamstrings, backs, and quadriceps. For motor development we’ll do bilaterality exercises with crawling relay, homerun derby, play to the music, and play/pass.
Our lives are so full, and our society esteems busy-ness, multi-tasking, and achievement. In the melee, our little ones get left out. They’re so short we see over their heads, and their language skills aren’t real great, so we talk around them. Teenagers tell us (because their language skills are better) that the greatest gift parents can give is to know them. Their parents are the most important people in their lives, and teens want someone wise to share their fears, their joys, and their dreams. Parents began their parenting habits when their children were preschoolers. That’s when we learn to be mindful of our children. How to be mindful of a child? It’s the same as for an adult.
- Look at the person you’re talking with. Actions/movement represents at least 50 percent of the total communication process.
- Acknowledge the importance of the person you’re with. Concentrate without concern for your own ego, your agenda, or your need to dominate.
- Feedback what you understood from the interaction. With barely verbal children, expand on what they said or indicated, as in “Yes, the popsicle is cold. That’s because it’s frozen,” or “You’re really sleepy this morning and think maybe you don’t want to wake up yet.” With more verbal children, your feedback can encourage communication, as in “What is it you don’t like about spinach?” or “What if we take a walk before we start dinner?”
- Have no preconceptions. It takes little children a while to interpret what adults say, make a decision, and then respond. When we’re mindful of what’s going on over there, we’re more patient with the process.
We can learn to be mindful by focusing on whatever it is we’re doing at the moment. We think we’re being more efficient when we multi-task. Instead, we’re really neither here nor there. We’re not being effective at either task. This is especially true in relationships, and it’s critical with our children. They know that you’re not really paying attention, and it cuts straight into their souls. You’ll have time enough later at work, after bedtime, or when they’re grown. You can learn to calm your impatience by focusing on your breath in private moments. It’s a terrific mind discipline, and researchers are saying it’s great for everything from hypertension to relationships with co-workers. For now, practice being with your little one in this most magical time. It’ll open your world to wonder, delight, and just plain fun.
For Your Information
The Way of Water – In our Geology theme, we learned about rivers and how they flow. Water flow is a major topic in the Houston area these days, especially about how it’s dammed, why the bayous can’t drain if the tide is in, and how dangerous rushing water can be. If there’s a creek, a downspout off your gutters, or a storm sewer near you, take the opportunity to demonstrate to your child how that classroom learning translates to real life.
Classroom Seminars – Montessori is such a different concept that it’s hard for us to imagine a class of infants, a class of toddlers, or a class of several 3- to 6-year-olds working happily and for an extended period by themselves. Plan to join us for our classroom seminars to talk about how this method works and what you can expect for your little one. Infants will be Tuesday October 2, toddlers Wednesday October 3, and primary Thursday October 4. Each class will be from 5:00 to 6:00.
Sam just moved up from the toddler class to the primary class and he is showing interest in the practical life area of the classroom. Sam had a lesson on the water, land and air work where he connects a picture with its corresponding object. Garance is very attentive as she works with the spooning work, where she transfers objects from one bowl to another using a small spoon, this work helps improve fine motor skills and it’s also indirectly prepares the child for reading and writing
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