Bring a picture of the
coolest insect you know.
Topic: Insects
Learn about the enormous numbers of insects
The value we’ll be studying is humility, learning to respect the creatures that share our world.
For cooking, we’ll make cheese toast in a bag in the sun.
Outside, we’ll respect insects.
The songs we’ll be singing are Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Ants Go Marching, Shoo Fly, Let There Be Peace on Earth, and We Shall Over-come.
For creative dramatics, we’ll go on a bear hunt.
Our art activities will be ladybug life cycle, pinch bug magnets, tissue paper butterflies, and caterpillars.
For motor development we’ll work on coordination with insect walks. For bilateral-ity, we’ll play moonwalk, popcorn, camel hop, and rolling partners.
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