Bring a thing that came from the sea.


Topic: Oceans

The powerful forces of the oceans

The value is peace, and we’ll be learning how to listen to the whole story and then be able to tell it back.

For ecology, we’ll learn about wind and water power.

Outside, we’ll siphon.

The songs we’ll be singing are Three Little Fishes, Row Your Boat, Down by the Bay, Five Little Speckled Frogs, and Puff, the Magic Dragon.

For creative dramatics, we’ll be a sea creature. Can you move like an octopus?

Our art activities are paper plate crab, turtles, octopus, starfish, tapa cloth, and tropical beach scene

For motor development, we’ll work on flexibility by learning tinekling. For vestibular function we’ll play leap frog, forward roll, be pogo sticks, and push balls with our bodies.