Bring something that helps you feel peaceful.

Topic: Ocean Biomes

Oceans are powerful forces

The value is peacefulness, which is calm, serene, and tranquil.

For ecology we’ll watch ocean divers and study wind and water power.

Outside we’ll learn to hula and watch siphoning.

The songs we’ll be singing are Three Little Fishes, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Down by the Bay, Five Little Speckled Frogs, and Puff, the Magic Dragon.

Our art activities are tapa cloth, dolphin picture, paper plate crab, tissue paper leis, and tropical beach scene

Creative dramatics will be acting like a sea creature.

For motor development we’ll build flexibility by learning to do tinekling and walking like a crab. For body development, we’ll work on vestibular function with leap frog, forward roll, pogo stick, and rolling balls.



Every person needs the ability to achieve. Out of achievement comes respect and place in the community. One of the most powerful insults in segments of our society is to “dis” (disrespect) someone. For our little children, we must respect their struggle to direct their own behavior and resist adult control. Children who are over-controlled can be delayed in their emotional growth and probably will rebel in later years. But control is a fine line. In fact, you are the parent and it’s your responsibility to accept that role. There has to be an adult in the house. Here are some hints:

  • Foster your child’s growing independence and self-direction in positive ways. For example, encourage your child to feed himself. If some foods are too difficult, use simpler foods. Typically, simpler foods are more nutritious anyway. Let your child dress and wash herself. Praise a good job without dwelling on mistakes or parts left undone. Casually provide help only as it is truly needed.
  • Give your child developmentally appropriate choices. When you offer choices, abide by your child’s decision. Be careful not to offer choices when your child really doesn’t have a choice, as in ”Are you coming or not?” and “Okay?”
  • Childproof the areas your child will be in as much as possible. This is more an art than a science. Children need to be exposed gradually to more and more things of which they need to be careful. As they make little mistakes, they learn.
  • When you do have to exert control, do it quickly, cheerfully, and matter-of-factly with a minimum of talk. Ignore protests. When you give in, the child quickly learns that protesting is an effective way to get what he wants. That makes the next controversy take longer because your child has learned to just hang in there and you’ll change your mind. Consistency is extremely important here.
  • Be proud of your child’s self-direction and independence. It’s a sign of social and emotional growth. You have provided the confidence and the trusting environment that has enabled her to “test” power and independence. It’s also a sign that you have done a good job as a parent.
  • Express your feelings of displeasure and disappointment when your child openly defies you. However, be careful of going so far as punishment for new-found independence and skepticism. Punishment leaves the child feeling powerless and can hinder social and emotional growth. Punishment teaches nothing of value and typically has only a temporary effect at best.

This Week

Being Creative – Our creative dramatics activity this week will be to move like a sea creature. That’s going to be a stretch since most of us have never seen a jellyfish or an octopus move. How does a crab move? Eel might be a little easier, but how about a mollusk? You can help us by finding some videos to show your child and then to practice at home during the week.

Luau – We are still looking for a pool for our luau, if you have a pool or if you have access to a child friendly pool please let us know.

Water Play – We will have another week of water play in August. August 2, will be the last day for water play

Infant Parents – Please take home all food items each day

Early Pickup Questions – Last Friday a note was put up asking parents to pick up early if possible. After receiving a few concerns from parents we fill it is necessary to assure you that we will only ask you to pick up early if: electricity goes out for more than two to three house, if we have major plumbing issues, bad weather, flooding rain, tornado, damaging winds, or anything that could render the school unsafe to occupy.

Community News – We are looking to have an open house for new families and people who live in our community to share what we do at MMGS. If you know of a publication in your subdivision that we could advertise in please give us the necessary contact information and for that we thank you.

classroom news

Alexis enjoys the practical life area of her class, she enjoys spooning, pouring and some of the dressing frames. Some of the materials in the class keep her engaged for long periods of time. During snack time Jonathan sometimes chooses to not have snack but often volunteers to help serve sack. With pride he fills his classmates request for seconds and thirds.