Bring pictures of woodlands or wetlands for our wall hanging.

Topic: Forests/Wetlands

Learn about these biomes

The value we’ll be studying is frugality, which means we don’t waste anything.

For manners, we’ll learn how to report peer behavior (tattle), how to apologize, and how to disagree.

Outside, we’ll play can you do what I do?

The songs we’ll be singing are Ants Go Marching, It’s a Small World, This Land Is Your Land, Mr. Sun, and You Are My Sunshine.

For creative dramatics, we’ll play animal charades.

Our art activities are biome wall hanging, biome bookmarks, pasta creatures, and floating art.

For motor development we’ll work on flexibility with arm and shoulder movements. For bilaterality, we’ll be skiers, play balloon bump, and play with a parachute.