Bring pictures of woodlands or wetlands for our wall hanging.

Topic: Forests/Wetlands

Learn about these biomes

The value we’ll be studying is frugality, which means we don’t waste anything.
For manners, we’ll learn how to report peer behavior (tattle), how to apologize, and how to disagree.
Outside, we’ll play can you do what I do?
The songs we’ll be singing are Ants Go Marching, It’s a Small World, This Land Is Your Land, Mr. Sun, and You Are My Sunshine.
For creative dramatics, we’ll play animal charades.
Our art activities are biome wall hanging, biome bookmarks, pasta creatures, and floating art.
For motor development we’ll work on flexibility with arm and shoulder movements. For bilaterality, we’ll be skiers, play balloon bump, and play with a parachute.


The brain is an incredible thing. Recent brain re-search is confirming so much of the Montessori methodology, and it’s waving huge red flags on some of our child-raising practices. The list below of suggestions to increase brainpower is from Teaching with the Brain in Mind. It’s a positive list. Sometimes it’s useful to study these lists from a negative perspective, as in “how often do I not do this?” There’s a lot of material here. You’ll have to interpret and apply each phrase.

0-18 Months 18-60 Months
Provide loving care, healthy Role model feelings and
stress response, hugs, laughter empathy; provide a joy-
and smiles; bond with your ful home; set clear rules;
child; avoid harshness. avoid harshness.
Encourage crawling, sitting, Encourage active games,
pointing; use balls, rattles, spinning, drawing, walking,
a large variety of manipula- running, balance activities;
tive toys, mobiles; handle, give your child freedom to
touch, and rock your child explore, avoid strollers.
frequently, avoid stroller
and infant carriers.
Use many 3-dimensional Play attention games and
objects, a variety of move- eye-hand coordination
ments, color identification, activities, teach how to
avoid TV. focus, provide outdoor
time, avoid TV.
Use short phrases and talk Provide exposure to
all the time; repeat sounds, longer sentences, second
use melodies and chants. languages, larger vocabu-
lary, a variety of contexts.
Be overcurious about your Use demonstrations; ask
child’s world; do simple how, when, where, what,
counting; demonstrate cause who; teach basic math and
and effect. principles of motion and
Sing lullabies; give your child Sing; play instruments or
rattles; repeat rhymes; provide take your child to observe
early exposure to common people who play an instru-
traditional songs and nursery ment; listen to structured,
rhymes. harmonic music.

Mother’s milk is best; avoid Eat a wide variety of foods
excess juice; avoid artificial and balanced meals high in
colors and flavors. fiber; avoid artificial
ingredients and trans fats.
Students in the primary class are getting exposure to yoga they are learning various yoga positions and the name of the position.
Yoga helps children manage their anxiety. The breathing ex-ercises and relaxation techniques learned from practicing yoga can help children with stress management. Teaching children how to reduce stress in a healthy way is an important life skill that will help them as children and as adults.
Yoga improves children’s emotional regulation. Another ben-efit of yoga for children is that it helps children learn to be in the present moment while relaxing and gaining a peaceful state of mind, which ultimately improves their emotional regulation.
Yoga boosts children’s self-esteem. Yoga for kids can do won-ders for their self-esteem. Perfecting a pose or improving their balance and flexibility can give young children a sense of personal empowerment.
Yoga increases children’s body awareness and mindful-ness. Going through a variety of yoga poses helps children learn about their bodies and the movements they’re capable of doing.
Yoga enhances children’s concentration and memory. One of the top benefits of kids’ yoga is that the different types of moves requires children to focus and work on their memorization skills—both of which can translate over into their academic performance.
Yoga develops children’s strength and flexibility. Yoga helps strengthen children’s growing bodies and helps them improve their flexibility, which can reduce their chance of injury.
Yoga teaches discipline and reduces impulsivity. Yoga can reduce challenging behaviors in the classroom by providing a physical outlet for children to express themselves. It also teaches children about discipline as they work on clearing their minds and perfecting their poses.