Bring a picture of an Australian animal.

Topic: Australia

Learn about this island continent.

The value is compassion, which is sorrow for the trouble of another creature.

For science we’ll learn about air pressure, sink and float, and how a really big ship can float.

Outside we’ll make sand castles and play ball madness.

The songs we’ll be singing are Michael Finnegan, Teddy Bear, Kookaburra, Waltzin’ Matilda, and It’s a Small World.

For creative dramatics we’ll learn about the song Waltzin’ Matilda.

Our art activities are Sydney Opera House, wooly lamb, dotty Australia, boomerang, and cockatoo.

For motor development, we’ll work on coordination by walking on different lines in different ways. For proprioception we’ll do around the clock, bean baggers, carry a load, and test your strength


Many years ago, we had a creative dramatics instructor who helped us understand the value of imagination. When she left, one of the treasures she left with us is this letter to our children:

When we were born, we were cuddled, fed, protected, and held in our parents’ arms as they rocked us back and forth, back and forth to the rhythm of unconditional love. Oh, we were safe. But something inside of us — some unstoppable instinct — urged us to crawl down from that safe lap in that secure rocking chair.

Boldly and fearlessly, we began to explore the world around us. We were compelled, driven to experience, to discover, to learn, and to become the unique and special persons we are. And then came THE BIGGEST ATTEMPT OF OUR LIVES! We stood. We let go. And we tried to walk! Oh, we failed many times, but we always got up and tried again. The words “I can’t” didn’t exist for us. Failure wasn’t a terrible monster. Failure was just a part of the WONDERFUL WORLD OF TRYING. Failure was, in fact, our friend then because we learned from him. Failure held our hands as we tried to achieve that one goal that would set our spirit free to stroll, to skip, to hop, and to run into the world that was waiting to be discovered by us.

I’m not sure when that brick wall of a phrase “I can’t” crept like a thief into our lives. But somehow, sometime, it did. I know, for sadly I have heard it many times lately among children: “I can’t put my socks on” or “I can’t tie my shoes” or “I can’t draw a tree”. My response is TRY! It’s okay to fail! In fact, it’s terrific because you tried!

My dear friends, as I leave, I wish for you the following:

The never-ending desire to TRY,

Permission to FAIL,

And a free and easy friendship with FAILURE

and his delightful sister MISTAKES

for they are not the monsters some people feel they are. No, they are an important part of THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF TRYING. I have lived a long time and I know, my friends, that in life as we travel from our first rocking chair to our last chair as beautiful old people, it is TRYING that makes life exciting, interesting, and fun and not just the prizes you’ve earned or the games you’ve won.

With love,

Ms. Linda

For Your Information


Did You Wonder? – In our science experiments this week, we’ll be learning how to turn a glass of water upside down and not have the water run out, and we’ll learn how a ship can float. More importantly, we’ll learn that there’s a why about these curious things. Watch around your house for those curious things that you could find out about the “why’s”.

Summer Event – For the last few years we have had to skip the Luau but we never stop trying. All we need is a child friendly pool and a place to gather, eat and enjoy. The luau can be on any Friday before August 25, from 6 -8 PM. Please let us know you’d like to host this year’s luau.

Past newsletters – If you have recently joined our family you are encouraged to visit our website to catch up on past newsletters. If you would like to get our newsletter via email send a request to

Things to Remember – Please don’t allow your child to open the front door when you’re not at their side. As a general rule your child should not unlatch the front gate these simple rules help to keep our students safe. Also as you drop off and pick up encourage your child to give a hello and goodbye handshake to their teacher.