Bring a triangle shape.
Topic: Amazing Me
How special we all are.
The value is self-reliance, which means we are confident about our abilities and about our judgment. We can say NO! when anyone is hurting us or hurting someone we know.
For safety we’ll learn how not to let ourselves be victimized.
Outside we’ll play hopscotch.
The songs we’ll be singing are Let’s Go Fly a Kite, Circle of Life, He’s Got the Whole World, Rock Around the Clock, and Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Our art activities are warm fuzzy, happy to be me, people puzzle, and fingerprint critters.
Creative dramatics will be understanding different kinds of feelings.
For motor development we’ll build coordination with moving different body parts. For body development, we’ll work on postural response with balloon pass, mail carrier, belly ball, and wheelbarrow.
Dr. Ginny Whitelaw, a senior manager at NASA, has published a book Moving to Greatness that codifies ways of moving to balance learning and interacting styles. For several years now, we have been using programs to enable our children to connect the hemispheres of their brains. The left hemisphere, where the primary language ability and analytical thinking predominate, has a growth spurt around the age of 2. The right brain (for visual configurations) grows rapidly beginning around 4. Around 5, the corpus callosum (nerve fibers that connect the left and right hemispheres of the brain) really expands. When this area is well developed, children have increased ability to process information from several areas on both sides of the brain at once, connecting and modulating sensory input, emotional thoughts, and controlled reactions. When integration is more fully developed, we don’t experience the negative aspects created by lack of balance in our essential energies. Dr. Whitelaw’s “energies” are driver, organizer, collaborator, and visionary. You can imagine characteristics of each of these from their descriptive titles. Dr. Whitelaw describes people who have a lack of the various energies:
- Not enough driver – These people fail to set clear priorities, maintain focus or a sense of urgency, hit goals, get to the point, or tell it like it is; they’re often perceived as lacking clear direction, ambition, or edge.
- Not enough organizer – These unorganized people have trouble simply getting stuff done. They’re unable to break large jobs into executable tasks, deliver on time, do things right, or do the right things; they’re often perceived as sloppy and undependable. Many times they can’t even keep up with their keys.
- Not enough collaborator – These people show an inability to engage with people, to see others’ points of view, or to care about and influence colleagues. They have trouble seeing both sides of an issue, lightening up, or making work fun; they’re often perceived as rigid, insular, and poor team players.
- Not enough visionary – These people are often criticized for lacking imagination, failing to see the big picture, or not being strategic. They have trouble thinking outside the box, leaping to novel insights, scanning the horizon for what to pay attention to, or simply letting go and sensing the flow.
When we know and use Dr. Whitelaw’s patterns, we don’t have to be saddled with any of these limitations. Integrating our whole self, we are able to live our lives at a whole new level.
On the Calendar
We Help Ourselves – We’ll be focusing on self-reliance with our children in our Amazing Me theme. Specifically, we’ll be talking about abuse and how our children can respond in a definitive way. We’ll work with self-awareness, assertiveness, social awareness, independent thinking, and anti-victimization. These are sensitive subjects that we are sometimes uncomfortable talking about. Is it really necessary at the preschool level? Absolutely. And we don’t our families to wait and not drop the subject until puberty. It needs to be open always in your family. Ask a teacher if you want to know more about how we’re doing this.
Independence Day – The school will be closed on Thursday, July 4, in honor of our country’s patriots who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to fight for a principle. We will open again on that Friday, July 5, for those of you who are working troops like us.
Father’s Day Affair – Our switch from morning to afternoon turned out to be a good idea; we have the best turnout for Father’s Day ever. Nearly all the dads attended the event most had a chance to sit with their child and together create a water painting for a keepsake, you can find pictures on our Facebook page for you to enjoy.
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