* * Show and Tell * *

Bring a thing you wonder about.

Topic: Science Professions

Science is all around us.

We just have to figure it out

The value is responsibility. The definition of leadership is the willingness to take responsibility.

For science, we’ll discover how molecules move, how magnetism works, about solids, liquids, and gases, and about air pressure.

Outside we’ll play with the parachute and with balloons.

The songs we’ll be singing are Zippity-do-dah, High Hopes, John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt, Rock around the Clock, and Oh, What a Beautiful Morning.

For creative dramatics we’ll explore the wonder table and do patterned clapping.

Our art activities are ice pictures, rubbings, spaghetti sculptures, and connect the dots.

For motor development, we’ll work on flexibility with yoga poses. For bilaterality we’ll run an obstacle course, walk around hoops, and play bouncing buddies.


The world today is such a topsy, turvy place with paradigms shifting constantly. As parents of young children, we seem to go faster and faster just to keep up. Our little ones watch in bewilderment trying to make sense of what it all means. From teenaged children, these words come telling us what their concerns are:

  • The world is a frightening place where no one can be trusted.
  • There are overwhelming problems of hunger, violence, war, homelessness, and damaged environment that can’t seem to be fixed.
  • Commitment is short-termed; nothing seems to stay put. Kids want something and/or someone stable and dependable to provide a sense of security.
  • Fear of loss – parents through divorce, friends through moving/death/disagreement.
  • Struggle with the need to make a difference or to make a contribution.
  • Relationships and maintaining communication.

These are clearly major concerns for our time. To provide the healthy security our children need to develop fully, we can:

  • Be an ‘authentic’ adult. Be with your child in a way that is sincerely and obviously pleasurable for you.
  • Be totally positive in your regard for your child. Understand that your child is doing his best and is doing what he must do under the circumstances.
  • Be willing to understand what is going on with your child and to act on it. Remove the filters of your expectations and the ways “it used to be” or “it should be”.
  • Try something new every day. It changes your brain’s thinking patterns and makes you more receptive to new ideas and more creative in generating alternatives.
  • Learn to learn from your child. Join her in the vigor, enthusiasm, wonder, and pure joy of every day.
  • Commit daily by touching and telling your child that you’ll love him forever, just him, in all his special ways.


Sense of Wonder – For our Science Professions theme in the enrichment curriculum, we’ll be studying the scientific process: wonder, what is the question, research, predict, gather information, decide on the best answer, and share with our peers. The children will be encouraged to wonder about everything and to study cause and effect. Be aware if your child is driving you nuts with questions, this could be where it’s coming from.

Pick Uptime – Due to the scheduling difficulties it gives us we are asking parents to please pick up on time. If you are finding it difficult getting to the school by 3pm consider our full-day program. Starting July 1, we’ll have to impose our late pick up fee found in your parent’s handbook. Children left more than 15 minutes past their pickup time or after6:00 will incur a late pickup charge. The charge is $10 for each 15 minutes or portion of 15 minutes that the child is left late. This time is by our clock. If you find that you will be late, please call to let us know when you expect to arrive.

Facebook – Usually after an event the pictures are posted to our Facebook page so that you can get and share copies.

July 4th – The school will be open Monday July 3, and we’ll be closed Tuesday July 4.