Bring a thing that can contain things.
We’ll learn about such adult work as those professions we normally call “public service”. It includes teachers, mayors, garbage collectors, librarians, and police officers.
The value we’ll be studying is humility, and we’ll do our very best every day.
For safety, we talk about being water-safe kids and sunburn.
Outside, we’ll be playing Red Light/Green Light.
The songs we’ll be singing are Getting to Know You, It’s a Small World, Happy Talk, Singing in the Rain, and Catch a Falling Star.
For creative dramatics, we’ll be police officer and lost child.
Our art activities will be firefighter hats, police vest and badge, and driver’s license.
For motor development, we’ll be working on stamina with jumping jacks and running in place. For body movement, we’ll be working on vestibular function with snake rolls and dizzy izzy.
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