Bring a thing that dad uses.

Topic: Male Role Models

The specialness of men

The value we’ll be studying is courage. When we have courage, we can deal with things that are scary, difficult, or painful.

For ecology, we’ll experiment with water.

Outside, we’ll play with mud.

The songs we’ll be singing are Happy Talk, I’d Like to Teach the Wrold to Sing, High Hopes, 76 Trombones, and Let There be Peace on Earth.

For creative dramatics, we’ll play dress up relay.

Our art activities are fathers day cards, puzzle me, flag day, and family puppets.

For motor development we’ll work on strenth with deep knee bends, leg lifts, rocking horses, and crunches. For postural response, we’ll find shapes, greet like crabs, hop, and walk a tightrope.