Bring a thing dad uses/Bring your address or phone number (and know it)

Topic: Male Role Models

We’ll appreciate the male qualities of strength and risk taking.

The value we’ll be studying is courage to deal with things that are scary, difficult, or painful.

For ecology, we’ll be studying water, like how it gets dirty and then how it gets clean.

Outside, we’ll be playing Red Rover.

The songs we’ll be singing are Happy Talk, 76 Trombones, I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing, High Hopes, and Let There Be Peace on Earth.

For creative dramatics, we’ll be playing dress-up relays.

Our art activities will be family rock portraits, flag collage, who’s in my family, and where I live.

For motor development, we’ll be working on strength with situps, deep knee bends, and rocking horse. For body movement, we’ll be working on postural response with find the shape, crab walk, and tight rope.



Kids learn positive lessons by watching their mother operating in the outside world, taking action, exerting influence, making decisions, and using their talents flexibly and creatively, says Ellen Galinsky, president of the Families and Work Institute in New York City. Working moms introduce their children to new ideas and new people, model a positive approach to daily challenges, and offer an inspiring picture of the world and their children’s place in it. Some other findings from Galinsky’s research for over 20 years reveals:

Children of working moms have a heightened sense of organization and responsibility. The reality of working moms is that everyone in the family has to help. For children today, the sense of being needed and of making a contribution to the family system is a very positive influence on self-esteem. Working moms become models for routine and a good work ethic. The children see mom living up to her obligations, so they know they can’t get away with not doing their chores. Working moms demonstrate how to set priorities and plan ahead. Children learn how to put things they need on the grocery list, how to get their social events on mom’s calendar, and how to balance family life with work responsibilities.

Children tend to view working moms as competent and effective both at home and at work. Children can see our world today as a pretty scary place. Having a masterful mother to guide them is very reassuring. Because working moms are skilled at making sales calls and navigating office politics, they can be more effective advocates for their children. When mothers work, children get an expanded view of women’s capabilities – and of men’s, too. Husbands of working mothers generally are more involved in managing the home. This exposes kids to the idea of men as nurturers.

When moms and dads talk freely about how they contend with the ups and downs of their work life, which they tend to do more than parents with only one working parent, kids learn that problems have solutions and they learn coping strategies. Children whose moms feel comfortable negotiating the complex demands of a workplace learn to view life outside the home with curiosity and optimism. They are exposed to a rich mix of experiences, and their enlarged life view motivates them to try their best to fulfill their potential. Children of career women face the future with hope. They take it for granted that they’ll be able to work and support themselves, like their mom did. So be encouraged. You’re doing really good. Dads too.

In General

Show And Tell – Show and tell is every Tuesday and parents are encouraged to discuss with their child the item they are bringing to school. This helps give your child the confidence to stand up and give a presentation in front of his classmates and when you talk with your child (more than one time) they have the knowledge to pass on to their classmates. Last week’s show in tell was to bring your address and most of the students in the primary class did not know their address because this is important we are going to repeat last week’s show and tell. If your child is three and talking well they should know your address and at least a phone number.


Stefan a student in the toddler class shows us that his fine motor skills are right on target as he works with the peg work. Stefan took his work to the table sat down and placed the blue cube onto vertical peg. After that work was completed Stefan did the same thing with the wheels on the horizontal peg. After just a few attempts Stefan entertained himself as he tossed the remaining cubs across the room, after he finished laughing he and his teacher pick up the tossed cubs. In the primary class Marina discovered the sound cylinders. Prior or giving her a lesson Kenneth noticed her excitement and joined her in the discovery. Sound Cylinders are part of the Sensorial area of the classroom. The Sound Cylinders focus on refining a child auditory sense. There are twelve cylinders six red and six blue, one cylinder may contain sand, and another may contain rice and the other may contain beans. The goal is to find which two that sound the same. After that using just the blue cylinders the next goal is to put them in in order from the quietest to the loudest.