Bring a thing Dad uses

Topic: Male Role Models

We’ll appreciate the male qualities of strength and risk taking

The value we’ll be studying is courage to deal with things that are scary, difficult, or painful.

For ecology, we’ll be studying water, like how it gets dirty and then how it gets clean.

Outside, we’ll be playing Red Rover.

The songs we’ll be singing are Happy Talk, 76 Trombones, I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing, High Hopes, and Let There Be Peace on Earth.

For creative dramatics, we’ll be playing dress-up relays.

Our art activities will be family rock portraits, flag collage, who’s in my family, and where I live.

For motor development, we’ll be working on strength with sit-ups, deep knee bends, and rocking horse. For body movement, we’ll be working on postural response with find the shape, crab walk, and tight rope.