Bring a thing a scientist might use (magnifying glass, field guide to birds, a book about insects, etc.).

Topic: Science Professions

Learn about the work adults do

The value we’ll be studying is responsi-bility, which includes the willingness to be a leader.

For science, we’ll be doing a lot of science experiments.

Outside, we’ll play with the parachute.

The songs we’ll be singing are Zippity-do-dah, High Hopes, John Jacob Jingleheimer-schmidt, Rock Around the Clock, and Oh, What a Beautiful Morning.

For creative dramatics, we’ll practice patterned clapping.

Our art activities will be ice pictures, rubbings, spaghetti sculpture, and connect the dots.

For motor development we’ll work on flexibility with yoga poses. For bilaterality, we’ll work with hula hoops and bouncing balls.