Bring a thing you wonder about.
Topic: Science Professions
The work adults do
The value is responsibility, which is doing what we’re supposed to do when we’re supposed to do it. It is required for leaders.
For science we’ll learn about the scientific process as we do experiments with molecules, solids/liquids/gasses, and air pressure.
Outside we’ll play with parachutes and balloons.
The songs we’ll be singing are Oh What a Beautiful Morning, Zippity-do-dah, High Hopes, John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt, and Rock Around the Clock.
Our art activities are ice pictures, rubbings, spaghetti sculptures, shiny pictures, and connect the dots.
Creative dramatics will be the wonder table. We’ll also practice patterned clapping.
For motor development we’ll build flexibility with yoga poses. For body development, we’ll work on bilaterality with obstacle course, hoop hops, hoop loops, and bouncing buddies.
It’s no question that most of us don’t get enough sleep. If a part of your problem is that your preschooler won’t go to bed or won’t stay in bed, maybe this will help. You’ll have to dedicate extra effort in this area, but it’ll pay off in calmer nerves and stronger immune systems for the whole family. As a rule of thumb, 3-month-olds sleep about 15 hours a day, about 2/3 of that at night. By 6 months, a baby should be sleeping a nighttime stretch of 8 hours. Specialists suggest that naps last not more than about 2 hours. Most children need 9 - 11 hours of sleep at night, with naps gradually diminishing. This will last through junior high and will increase in late adolescence. Less sleep than this can result in sleep deprivation symptoms. As an adult, you need 7 - 9 hours per night. Honestly analyze your own attitudes about sleep. Are you subconsciously sabotaging your family’s sleep patterns?
To a child, sleep represents a kind of loss – the loss of her parent’s company or the loss of playtime. A satisfying bedtime routine helps offset this loss by providing a half-hour or so of undivided attention. By ending the day on a happy note, she can drift toward sleep secure in the knowledge of her family’s love. A useful hint here is to alternate the parent who participates in the routine. You should start the going-to-sleep routine a half-hour before you want lights out. Stay with really calm activities (no roughhousing). Select the things you’ll need for the next day. Make sure all the uh-oh issues are in the routine, drink, potty, lovey, monster check, etc. Have one story and maybe a discussion about the day when the light is turned off. Once you have decided what routine you consider to be the most pleasant and relaxing, stick to it. Then snuggle your child into the bed, give a reassuring hug, and leave. You can leave the door open so the child will know you are still available. A nightlight or a fish tank can help disperse fears.
If you have allowed a sleep irregularity to creep into your schedule, it will take nerves of steel to correct the problem. Once you have left your child’s room, there can be no more talking, no rocking, no music, and no cuddling. Only change a diaper if there’s been a bowel movement or if you’re fighting a bad diaper rash. By 6 months, a baby no longer needs a mid-night feeding. He can use a lovey to settle back down. If your child awakens in the night, wait 5 minutes to go him. Then, only pat him and retuck him with the reassurance that he’s just fine and that now is sleep time. In either the case of a mid-night waking or a protest at bedtime, now wait 10 to 15 minutes before gong back to your child. Then, only pat and retuck him. Then wait 20 to 30 minutes before going back in. Watch the clock and don’t give in! (This is good parenting training because those nerves of steel will be needed in adolescence). You’ll know that you’ve solved your problem when both you and your child wake up easily when the alarm goes off. If you don’t, go to bed 30 minutes earlier each night until the situation cures itself.
Separation fears, stressful events, and illness can cause temporary regressions in sleep behavior. These can be dealt with sympathetically until the disturbance gradually diminishes. Meanwhile, offer extra comfort and reassurance during the day and early evening and continue to enforce your normal limits at night.
In General
Pick Up Time – As a reminder due to our low enrollment in March we had to adjust our operating hours, for the month of June we will continue to close at 5p.m. Monday – Thursday and at 3pm on Fridays. When our enrollment increases we will return to our normal operating hours, when that happens we’ll let you know during pick up. At this time we will have 14 students for the month of June.
classroom news
After snack was completed the students were asked who wanted to help put the chairs away, not one child wanted to help so alone the teacher began to put the chairs away then Olivia walked up with a stool in her hand, she handed the child sized stool to the teacher and picked up another one. Although at the moment the noise level was high Oliva remained focused and continued picking up stools until there were no more, she smiled when the teacher said “thank you.”
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