Bring a thing that helps keep us healthy.

Topic: Health Professions

The work adults do

The value is collaboration, which is to work together for the common good.

For science, we’ll explore experiments about our senses.

Outside, we’ll practice walking on a balance beam.

The songs we’ll be singing are Brush Your Teeth, It’s a Small World, Them Bones, Kumbaya, and Do Your Ears Hang Low?

For creative dramatics, we’ll pretend to be health care professionals.

Our art activities are glue overs, people rocks, toothy mouth, splatter bugs, and construction sticks.

For motor development, we’ll work on flexibility with yoga poses. For vestibular function, we’ll do log rolls, spelling with our heads, walking dizzy, and running in circles.



As a parent you are your child’s first and most im-portant teacher. Here are some ideas about how you can help your child become a better reader:
o Reading aloud to your child regardless of age may be the simplest and most effective activity you can do to impact your child’s reading.
o Make sure your child reads every day. Reading – like shooting baskets or playing the piano – is a skill. Like other skills, it’s better with effective practice.
o Talk about what your child is reading. Ask “who”, “what”, “where”, “why”, and “what if”. Language and thinking skills develop when children talk. Being able to verbalize a passage is a great tool to improve reading comprehension.
o Allow your child to choose. The more fun it is to read, the more reading will occur.
o Limit TV/monitor time. Keep track of the number of hours you and your child spend in front of a monitor versus reading. You might be shocked.
o Make sure everyone in your family has a library card. While you are at the library, check out a book yourself. Your children are watching.
o Give books as gifts. Help your child build his own library in your home that is easily accessible. The books that were favorites when your child was 20 months old become wonderful first readers.
o Make reading a privilege. You might say, “You can stay up 15 minutes later tonight if you are reading in bed” or “Because you helped with the laundry, I have some extra time to read you a story.”
o Take books along. When you know you’re going to have wait time, books can keep minds active.
o Set up a message center in your home. Leave let-ters, notes, and even silly messages for each other. This is a wonderful custom when your family gets crazy with teenagers.
About the same time your child becomes interested in reading for herself, you’ll notice that she’s also interested in writing. The two skills go hand in hand.
o Draw letters in a temporary medium. Sand, shav-ing cram, or a foggy window make it fun, and there’s nothing left to remind the child how imperfect it was at the beginning.
o Help your child write messages to others. The first time your child gets his own message, he’ll want a pencil to do another one. Friends’ phone numbers are fun.
o Start a diary with your child. At first you can write your child’s thoughts. There’ll come a time when she’ll want to write for herself.


In General

Getting sick - Some of the students have been out due to sickness many of them go to the doctor and are checked for Covid 19. Be on the lookout for high fever, running nose and congestion. If while at school your child has a fever of 100 or more they are required by the State of Texas to be pickup up from school ASAP and but out of school for at least 24 hours.
Bad Weather – With regards to recent weather alerts, we follow Spring Branch School District if they announce they are school closed or closing early we will do the same. Please note at the school we are not always able to monitor the weather please call the school if alerts deem it necessary.

Classroom News
In the toddler class most of the students are learning the concept of putting things back in the same place. All toddlers seem to enjoy pushing the materials on the floor and walking away this provides an opportunity to give a lesson. Luke seeks out the vertical dowel where after he knocks it to the floor he is encouraged to put it back, he sits on the floor and one by one he places the various sized circular shapes on the vertical dowel and then put the work back on the shelf in the same place he found it. These materials offer a toddler experiences in eye-hand coordination, practice with different finger grasps and an experience/ test in “crossing the mid line.” In the ongoing out door learning about insects this week we found and small honey bee and a baby stink bug as your child about it.