Bring a square thing.

Topic: Social Professions

The work adults do

The value is justice, which means we are fair not only for our own rights but for the rights of others.

For safety, we’ll talk about being safe around cars, on bicycles, around water, and at home.

Outside we’ll play lemonade and paint the town.

The songs we’ll be singing are John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt, He’s Got the Whole World, When You Wish Upon a Star, One Hammer, and Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

Our art activities are water pictures, electrician’s sculpture, and what surface is this?

Creative dramatics will be pantomiming various activities.

For body development, we’ll work on coordination with jumping. For motor development we’ll do proprioception exercises with backward get-up, choo-choo train, back crawl, and palm push.


So now we’ve had another crisis of violence in a school, a place that is supposed to be immune to violence. We really know that no place is immune — MacDonald’s or a church, the mall or a gas station, the Olympics or the Boston Marathon. As guardians of our children, the fury of seeming to be unable to protect them becomes overwhelming. That can’t be. As a country, we’ve stood ready to fight wrong — and violence against innocents is wrong. We can fight this. As a community, we can stand together, stronger because of our moral outrage against the killing of innocents. What to do? Here are some beginning steps:

  • Teach your family how to deal with imminent violence by (1) recognizing danger, (2) how to notify people who can help, and (3) getting yourself out of danger. Amazingly, when an incident occurs, many people will run toward the incident. Teach your family to avoid the situation and stay out of the way of people trained in emergency response.
  • Develop ties in your community. Know your neighbors. National Night Out for Texas is every fall. Can you do something to get your neighbors to gather for an informal driveway party? The dissolution of the nuclear family may be sad, but the dissolution of community has created a safety hazard for us all.
  • Teach your children how to get to know people, lots of different kinds of people. Acknowledge and appreciate diversity. In October, as a part of our enrichment curriculum, the children will be doing projects to understand how people think and think differently. Affirm that process in your home.
  • Get to know your child’s world. Visit in the school for a few minutes every time you come in. We have many events at the school that give you an opportunity to understand your child’s days, to get to know other parents, and to use the skills and experience of our staff. Seize the opportunity of keeping these ties strong.
  • Feel free to watch out for other people’s children. Let them keep an eye out for your child. You won’t always agree, but if we always keep guard, it’ll be a healthier community.
  • Be aware. When your ties in the community are strong, you know what is normal. You know what should be. If things are not right, figure out what to do. Talk with your friends. Do they agree? Take action. Speak up. Don’t pretend the trouble will go away. Mostly it doesn’t.

The time has come for us to be strong together. There are a lot of problems. But we are a strong people. If every one of us takes a stand to do the right thing every day in every way, then we can work toward the world we want to bequeath to our children.

On the Calendar

The Work Adults Do – Memorial Day week we’ll study social professions. Those are the professions that we could do ourselves, but we chose to pay others to do them for us. They include accountants, carpenters, farmers, and athletes. Would you like to demonstrate to the children what your work is? Talk with your child’s teacher to find a good afternoon to come.

Celebrating Fathers – On Friday June 15 we’ll have coffee and muffins for our fathers. This is a morning when dads drop off and hang around for a bite to eat, maybe a lesson or a fun time on the playground. We’ll begin coffee and muffin at 7 a.m. most dads are gone by 9.


Congratulations to our graduating class of 2018. Piper, JR, and Alexandria have reached a milestone they completed our course of instructions and now continue on to a lifetime of learning. We recognize and celebrate their achievements. The primary students had a visit from Officer Prause who stopped by to speak with our students about police safety. After mentioning he works with a dogs, Kennedy asked; “what kind of dog?” Officer Prause responded dogs that pick up on a sent and track it down to its source. Thank you Ms. Donna her work in making this happen.