Bring a thing a person might work with,

such as a hammer, a stapler, a trowel,

a drawing, or a cooking utensil.

Topic: Social Professions

About the work that adults do

The value we’ll be studying is justice, which is being fair, not only for our own rights but for the rights of others.

For safety, we’ll learn how to say our name loudly and clearly and our telephone number.

Outside, we’ll be painting.

The songs we’ll be singing are John Jacob

Jingleheimerschmidt, He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, When You Wish Upon a Star, One Hammer, and Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

For creative dramatics, we’ll pretend to be one of the social professionals.

Our art activities will be paper plate clowns, professional puppets, chalk water pictures, and ID cards.

For motor development, we’ll be working on coordination with lateral jumps, up and down steps, and balance. For body movement, we’ll be working on proprioceptive aboulity with choo-choo train, back crawl, and palm push.