Bring a thing mom uses in her work

Topic: Social Professions

Learn about the work adults do

The value we’ll be studying is justice. Being just means being fair, not only for our own rights but the rights of others.

For safety, we’ll study about making phone calls.

Outside, we’ll paint the playground.

The songs we’ll be singing are John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt, He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, When You Wish Upon a Star, One Hammer, Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

For creative dramatics, we’ll act out various social professions.

Our art activities will be electrician’s sculpture, working people puppets, chalk water pictures, ID cards.

For motor development we’ll work on stamina by jumping. For proprioceptive function, we’ll do backward get-up, choo-choo train, and back crawl.