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Bring a picture of a your favorite service professional
Topic: Service Professions
The work that adults do
The value is honor. When we have honor, we would never lie, cheat, or steal.
For safety, we’ll learn ways to stay safe in the summer.
Outside, we’ll play red light/green light.
The songs we’ll be singing are Happy Talk, Getting to Know You, It’s a Small World, Singing in the Rain, and Catch a Falling Star.
For creative dramatics, we’ll learn rules of traffic.
Our art activities are firefighter hat, park ranger collage, police vest, driver’s license, and scratch drawing.
For motor development, we’ll work on stamina with jumping jacks, high knees, burpees, and quick knees. For vestibular function we’ll do snake rolls, blindfold bowling, bounding bodies, and alternate twirling.
With the busy pace of today’s family life, you may wonder if your child is being deprived of important attention. The good news is that there are many ways to use family time more effectively. We find that most times our parents err in doing too much for their children. Don’t expect so much of yourself. Even the youngest baby needs to spend time independently.
For infants, provide attractive, stimulating objects in baby’s sleeping area. A safe crib mobile encourages kicking and reaching. Sturdy books and stuffed animals offer opportunities for using hands and eyes in quiet play. Set up a play environment with one or two objects to attract baby’s attention. When baby becomes involved, step back for a minute. Offer new challenges. For a creeping baby, a kitchen chair placed upside down becomes an entirely new object of exploration, and sofa cushions placed on the floor become an exciting obstacle course. Supervise your toddler’s play activities from a distance.
Your child will be a happier, healthier individual if you learn the age ranges in which you can expect your child to achieve such milestones as sleeping through the night (3 months), eating solid food (6 months), walking (12 months), talking in sentences (18 months), and becoming toilet trained (2 years). Look for and encourage your child’s signs of readiness to learn new skills. As soon as a child begins to pick up a toy, she can pick up a banana or a graham cracker to eat. As soon as your child can stand up and urinate (as in the bathtub), he can begin to control that flow. Be prepared for setbacks. Tired, stressed, or ill children return to old, safe habits. Life changes, such as a new baby or mom’s new job, may cause regression and require time for adjustment.
Reward positive behaviors. Recognize that crying, whining, and clinging are behaviors children use to get attention. If your child is getting enough attention for good behavior, you’ll find that negative behaviors go away. Break the pattern of negative behavior early, but not by saying “Stop that whining”. Instead divert attention to a different activity or toy, change rooms, go outside, or put on some music. Anticipate hunger, dirty diapers, and boredom. Create play environments for your child where she can be close to the activities of the family. A drawer in the kitchen stocked with pan lids and plastic containers, a toy shelf in the den, and a few toys in the bedroom for while you dress can be sanity savers. Let your older preschooler help put away laundry, dust, and set the table. When our children learn to participate and to contribute, we’re all better for it.
For Your Information
Sun Screen and Insect Repellent – We can help you by applying these products during the day. If you want either applied, you should make the first application of the day before your child arrives. If an additional application is needed, please let us use our judgment about its necessity. These are powerful chemicals that need to be minimized as much as possible. You will need to complete s a medicine authorization form for us to apply at school.
Potty Training pt 2 - Before you start noticing the signs of readiness, there are steps you can take to prepare your child for potty training and help make the experience successful. Tackling some of these pre-potty training steps will help familiarize your child with the concept of the potty before training begins. It may also make the process less scary and confusing for your child which in turn may make potty training your little one easier for you. Here are some suggestions on what you can do to prepare your child for potty training.
Get a potty chair to keep around the house, explaining in simple terms what it’s for and how it works. When you’re choosing your child’s potty seat, perhaps you can let your child pick one he likes to help him get more excited about the potty. Use words like “pee pee” and “poop” to familiarize your child with what’s happening when you’re using the toilet or when you’re changing a dirty diaper. As your child gets a bit older and closer to actual potty training (and you’ve spotted some of readiness signs), show him where the poop from his diaper goes, and let him put it in his potty or flush it down the toilet. If possible, let your child watch when other family members of the same sex use the toilet
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