Bring a picture of a service profession, police officer, nurse, or teacher.
Topic: Service Professions
We’ll learn about such adult work as those professions we normally call “public service”. It includes teachers, mayors, garbage collectors, librarians, and police officers.
The value we’ll be studying is humility, and we’ll do our very best every day.
For safety, we talk about being water-safe kids and sunburn.
Outside, we’ll be playing Red Light/Green Light.
The songs we’ll be singing are Getting to Know You, It’s a Small World, Happy Talk, Singing in the Rain, and Catch a Falling Star.
For creative dramatics, we’ll be police officer and lost child.
Our art activities will be firefighter hats, police vest and badge, and driver’s license.
For motor development, we’ll be working on stamina with jumping jacks and running in place. For body movement, we’ll be working on vestibular function with snake rolls and dizzy izzy.
When we did the coffee klatches, one of the ideas to increase self-management was to encourage your child to tell stories. Here are some additional ideas from Lory Britain, Ph.D., in her book I’m Happy-Sad Today: Making Sense of Mixed-Together Feelings. Across cultures and throughout history, storytelling connects people and communicates values, traditions, and beliefs. When storytelling is valued, children who hear stories are inspired to tell their own.
Today our children are bombarded with media-driven stories and images. Yet with purpose and intent, we can encourage children to be storytellers and to share stories from their hearts. Places that ensure a positive storytelling experience include bedtime, car rides, sitting under a tree, mealtimes, family gatherings, and a cozy chair. Here are some tips to help inspire storytelling:
- Value real and imaginary stories. Stories from everyday events and from children’s imagination are worthy of being told.
- Use open-ended questions. When encouraging children to begin and expand their stories, ask open-ended questions such as, “What happened after the gate was left open?” or “What did the chickens do after they got out?”
- Honor children’s drawings. Ask them about their pictures with open-ended questions and statements such as, “Tell me about how the girl climbed the hill,” or “What happens after she is on top of the hill?”
- Help children express feelings. Help children express feelings by asking them questions such as, “And how did you feel about _____?” or “What feelings did the dragon have when it _____?”
- Collect story-starter pictures. Keep a file of pictures that will inspire children to tell their own stories about something similar or to begin an imaginary story. Collect pictures of everyday events, such as a child riding a bike, or of common sights, such as a fallen tree. A simple question like, “I wonder how this child learned to ride a bike?” or “What would the tree say to the flower after it fell over?” can get stories started.
- Ask questions about everyday events. Encourage children to share about events and feelings that happen every day. This is also a good memory enhancer.
- Bring in something from nature. Sharing a rock or a leaf or a twig can be a story-starter. Share where and how you found the object and tell a story about how it came to be.
- Introduce story-starter phrases. For example, “If I were a _____, I would _____.” Or introduce a “problem,” such as, “Once there were two children who forgot to pick up their clothes and . . . ” or “What would you do if _____?”
- Share wordless books. Some help children follow the sequence of story development, while others include a series of delightful scenes to encourage imagination.
- Encourage explaining. Children can make a story based around explaining how an object (or even a recipe) is made or how to perform an action such as sweeping or building a block house.
Imagine talking objects. Imagine that an object such as a piece of furniture or a tricycle can talk. What stories would your dog tell?
For Your Information
Stormy Weather – In the event of bad weather our school follows Spring Branch ISD if you hear that Spring Branch is closing our school will also be closed. When possible we will post a notice on our website and our Facebook page.
Extra Clothes – our supply of extra clothes is limited if your toddler or older child has outgrown their clothes consider on donating them to the school. We are in need of boy and girl pants, shorts.
Safety Drill – You may have noticed the sign in the foyer stating that we’ve had a safety drill in reality it’s an intruder drill, things we can do in the event an unwelcomed person enters the school. The key word that we are using is “earthquake” so your child may come home saying we had an earthquake drill.
Toddler Class – By 8:50 each morning the toddlers are gearing up for the start of class and the teachers are putting all of their attention with the children, many times parents arriving after class time has started need to speak with their child’s teacher but with 18 little ones this is not the ideal time to engage the teacher in conversation. We would like to try having parents indicate their desire to speak with the teacher by speaking with Mr. Warren or Ms. Belinda and a follow up phone all will happen around nap time.
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