Bring a picture of three different birds

(Include the name of the bird)

Topic: Birds

The value we’ll be studying is wisdom, which is the power of judging rightly.

For science, we’ll make rainbows and birds in a cage to learn about vision retention.

Outside, we’ll make molds and play “hot and cold”.

The songs we’ll be singing are Bluebird, Zippity-do-dah, He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, Down by the Bay, Where is Thumbkin?, and Do, Re, Mi.

For creative dramatics, we’ll hear the story of Eagle’s Nest.

Our art activities will be nature collage, bird nest puppets, amate paper painting, clay figures and bird in a nest.

For motor development we’ll work on flexibility with yoga poses. For motor planning, we’ll pretend to be crayons, follow the beat, copy the teacher, and make body shapes.




As a part of the human condition, we create expectations of what is to come. When we marry, we have in our minds what the marriage will bring for us. When we decide to have children, we have dreams of what our lives will be like in our families. A part of these dreams is the ability to create what we believe. But another part is being able to accept the gifts that we are given. A mother who dreams of having a beautiful ballerina has a daughter who would rather play baseball. A father who dreams of a star athlete has a son who only wants to play on the computer. When we grieve over lost dreams, our sensitive children suffer either from disappointing their beloved parents or from hiding their true selves. As our children’s first and most important teachers about the world, how can we truly accept the people that our children were born to be? Here are some suggestions:

o Accept yourself. Do you begin each new year with a resolution to change yourself? When we are at peace with the person we are, we can be more at peace with the person our child is.

o Recognize that your child is an individual. Part of the challenge and privilege of living intimately with others is coming to understand that they are not just like us. Your child doesn’t think like you or like the same things that you do or react to situations like you do. It’s still valid that she’s wonderful just the way she is.

o Learn to describe without judging. Being accepting doesn’t mean not evaluating the child’s behavior or performance. Judgmental statements about his “lying” can get in the way of understanding that when you exclaim “Who broke this!” your child might claim ignorance. A simple statement like “The glass is broken” might get an explanation that both you and your child can deal with better.

o Develop internal rather than external standards for success. Remember the things you really want for your child; things like willingness to take risks and creativity and a sense of purpose. Target your instructions for your child in those directions rather than scolding about not eating her peas.

o Have fun with your child. Parents sometimes become so caught up in their role of teaching and guiding that they rarely enjoy their kids just as they are. Simply playing with your child - without a hidden agenda - can work wonders for his sense of self-acceptance.

o Affirm your unconditional love every day. Never allow your child to go to bed without understanding that you love her totally, with a big hug and a kiss. Both you and your child need to be reminded that your love transcends specific squabbles.

Coming Up

Conferences – This is a time for those of us who care deeply for one of our little people to meet together to share joys and concerns. To make the most of your time, please make a list of the things you particularly want to talk about. On April, 26 – 29. Conferences will be from 12 noon to 1pm. Please let us know what day and time you would like to reserve. Each conference should last about 20 min. Conference times are 12:00 and 12:30. This year conferences will not be in person buy instead by phone.

Take a Kid to Work Day – If you missed the official day consider that mostly our children have no idea what we do at our offices; many don’t even know where your office is. It is an opportunity to let them see how you spend your days away from them. It takes a bit of creativity to make this happen, but it can make a huge difference for your child’s understanding and perception.