Bring a wildflower and know its name.

(If you’ll dry it in the microwave, it’ll be nice when it gets to the school.)

Topic: Wildflowers

Let’s learn about wildflowers

The value is compassion, which is to understand the sorrow or suffering of a creature.

For ecology we’ll learn how plants adapt to the environment in which they grow.

Outside we’ll JUMP, and then practice being still. We’ll also play hide the Easter egg and find it by getting “warm” and “cool”.

The songs we’ll be singing are Zippity-do-dah, Edleweiss, Yellow Rose of Texas, and Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

Our art activities are marble eggs, shaving cream bunnies, bluebonnets, and baby chicks.

Creative dramatics will be learning the legend of the bluebonnet.

For motor development we’ll build flexibility with yoga poses. For body development, we’ll work on proprioception with rescue team, crossing the line, boxcar push, and bat wings.


There’s so much truth in the old saying “Walk a mile in my shoes before you pass judgment.” This week one of our staff shared with us her feelings one day when she picked up her son. She was met at the front door with “He really had a tough day today”. As she passed back into the classroom, she heard it again. “Boy, did Joey have a rough day”, and she got to hear all the gory details. The next morning, Joey didn’t want to go to school because “They all pick on me” and “Nobody likes me”. She was in tears by the time she got back in her car after dropping him off. Sound familiar?

Fortunately, she took the time to talk at length with her child’s teacher later that morning, and she got back on track that she had done everything right and that, in fact, both she and her son had learned some valuable coping skills from this challenge. As a teacher here at the school, she asked me to pass it on how important it is to stay connected with that other person who also cares a great deal about your child.

From another one of our staff: She had gone to a great deal of effort and considerable time outside of the school to write special encouragement notes to the parents of three of her children. Not even one parent acknowledged the gesture, much less showed any level of appreciation. In our environment, we know that you have to encourage the behavior you want in order to get more of it. If, as a parent, you want the people who work with your child to share their unique perspectives, joys, and concerns about your child, you’re going to have to encourage that communication.

We’ll soon be in the week of conferences. Maybe these suggestions will be helpful to make this time more effective for you:

  • The week before your conference, you’ll receive the semi-annual status report of the current work your child is most interested in. We have lesson descriptions on our website to help you understand what ‘metal insets’ and ‘geometric cabinet’ are.
  • Make a list of the topics you want to cover. When the conference begins, set an informal agenda of what you want to cover.
  • Please speak up when you don’t understand.
  • Feel free to take notes, especially if you’re planning to review the conference with your spouse or grandparents.
  • If, at the end of your scheduled time, you still have questions, plan another conference or phone call.


Coming Up

Easter Egg Hunt – We’ll need your trinket filled Easter eggs at the school by Wednesday April 17, please remember not to include candy or food. We’ll have our Easter Egg Hunt Thursday morning, students will not be allowed to open their eggs and play with the content while at school, consider on opening with you child at home; toddler parents be on the lookout for items that could be a choking hazard.

Picture Day – On Monday April 15, the photographer will begin taking pictures by 8 A.M. If you want your child dressed in special clothes they should arrive to school dressed in their special clothes and we’ll help them change into play clothes if needed. Look for the flyers in the foyer to list special instructions.

Good Friday Holiday – The school will be closed on Friday, April 19, in recognition of the Easter holiday.

Past newsletters – If you have recently joined our family you are encouraged to visit our website to catch up on past newsletters. If you would like to get our weekly newsletter via email, send a request to MMGS373@AOL.COM.