Bring a thing that can be
recycled for our recycle mural.
Topic: Earth Day
Develop a sense of personal responsibility for our Earth.
The value we’ll be studying is frugality, which means to waste nothing.
For ecology, we’ll be making paper.
Outside, we’ll be going on a discovery walk.
The songs we’ll be singing are Mr. Sun, Edleweiss, This Land Is Your Land, Catch a Falling Star, and When You Wish Upon a Star.
For creative dramatics, we’ll take a walk in the rainforest.
Our art activities will be earth day mural, nature badges, compost pile, trash sculpture, and soda can faces.
For motor development, we’ll be working on coordination with arm circles and hopping. For body movement, we’ll be working on bilaterality with drive a spaceship, bounce it in the hoop, and toss ‘n catch.
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