Bring a curious thing.

Topic: Faerie Tales

It’s okay to be silly sometimes

The value we’ll be studying is joy, which is one of the surest ways to live life most deeply.

For cooking, we’ll make pretzels in the shapes we decide.

Outside, we’ll play with bubbles.

The songs we’ll be singing are Puff the Magic Dragon, Do Your Ears Hang Low?, Zippity-do-dah, Where is Thumbkin?, and Ain’t It Great to Be Crazy?

For creative dramatics, we’ll play with our imaginary friend.

Our art activities will be snouts, Pinocchio, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, fhree pigs’ houses, and the Empror’s New Clothes.

For motor development we’ll work on stamina by pretending to be bubbles. For bilaterality, we’ll play wishing well, sack race, and food chain.