Bring a wildflower.

(If you dry it in the microwave, many times it will retain both shape and color.)

Topic: Wildflowers

We’ll learn about photosynthesis and naturalized and chlorophyll.

The value is compassion, which is sorrow for the trouble of another creature.

For ecology, we’ll learn about how plants are adapted to the environments in which they grow.

Outside, we’ll have an Easter egg hunt.

The songs we’ll be singing are Oh What a Beautiful Morning, Zippity-d-dah, Edleweiss, and Yellow Rose of Texas.

For creative dramatics, we’ll learn the story of The Legend of the Bluebonnet.

Our art activities are marble eggs, shaving cream bunnies, bluebonnets, and baby ducks.

For motor development, we’ll work on flexibility using yoga poses. For proprioception, we’ll play rescue, cross the line, bat wings, and boxcar push.