Bring something related to the rodeo

Topic: Rodeo

Learn about a custom of the Old West

The value is courage, which means to be brave. We need courage to try new things, to stand up for what is right, and to do our best every day.

For safety, we’ll learn how to be safe around animals.

Outside we’ll have a rodeo.

The songs we’ll be singing are Red River Valley, She’ll Be Comin’ round the Mountain, Home on the Range, Whoopee Ti Yo, and Deep in the Heart of Texas.

For creative dramatics we’ll name all the ways you might use a bandana.

Our art activities are chuck wagon, bucking bronco, bandana, and dancing cowboy.

For motor development, we’ll work on flexibility with yoga poses. For proprioception, we’ll do where is it, deep knee bends, turtle walk, and jug relays.



Research on illness in young children tells us we just kind of have to get through it. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 have an average of nine minor illnesses a year. When children first enter group care of any kind and no matter what age, it takes about 27 months for them to work through the various illnesses in a group. When people of any age enter a new group, it takes about 6 months to become immune to the new group. Past these times, however, there seems to be another factor in how ill or well a family will be. It’s the “wellness attitude”.

When we believe that children have the capacity for maintaining wellness and we reinforce that belief every day, then we are helping by eliminating the unnecessary babying that goes with a sickness approach to life. The more we feel sorry for a child, conveying to him that he is sick and must stay immobilized and take medicine, the more we are teaching him that he has no control over his health, and the more we encourage him to stay sick. This reasoning could be: “I get much more attention when I am sick. They listen to my complaints. They stop everything else to pay attention to me.” As role models for our children, we must stop providing attention for sickness — and more importantly, we can help children to stop expecting to become sick. We can take the focus off colds, headaches, the flu, allergies, and asthma, and shift our focus to an approach that reinforces being well.

Just as we praise our children when they do things we want them to do, we must catch our children being well. Do not make illness something you positively reward unless you want your child to repeat that behavior. When your child is sick, give the illness as little attention as possible other than to provide remedial medical care. But praise wellness. “You are the healthiest/strongest/most capable child I know. Let’s celebrate by going to the park/on a picnic/for a walk.” Talk with your child about how strong she is and what her body can do. Celebrate when he starts to feel better after a fever. Show her how her body heals a cut. Allow him to grow up believing in himself and his own ability to heal himself, rather than to think that the world is a place to be wary of, a place where he can catch diseases all the time.

Provide your child the role model of a person who takes care of your own body and who thinks wellness rather than illness. With your child, every day choose habits of good health. Get in shape, take care of yourself, get plenty of rest, eat healthy, and laugh with yourself, with life, and with your family.


Fire Drills – Please be aware that we practice drills monthly with the children and you are encouraged to do the same at home practice gives confidence and helps children respond to emergencies and also helps to reduce fear.

Strangers – A parents asked to about this topic. Our enrichment curriculum will cover this topic later on this year but it’s not too early to start. We defined a stranger as someone you do not know. We explained that there are good people and bad people and you cannot tell just by looking at them. “What to do if I get lost in the store” We tell the children what we consider to the safest measures, look for an older lady (grandma types) or a police officer. Children three years and older are ready for this information.


Classroom News

In the primary class the students had a lesson on the four knobbles cylinders. After putting all four of the cylinders blocks in a square all the cylinders were taken out and the students had to put them back in the various slots. Erin, Kez and Kenny worked together to get all the various sized cylinders in their perspective slot. Erin had fun with the basket full of paper cut into many geometric shapes. Erin tossed the shapes in the air and like confetti the shapes landed on the ground, as Erin put the shapes back in the basket she called out the name of some of the shapes, like triangle, circle and square, Erin repeated this several more times. Kenny likes to talk about the solar system everyday he displays his confidence as he tell the class all the names of the planets, the different colors of the planets, and so much more. When Kez told his teacher he wanted to draw, Erin and Kenny wanted to join in. Each student was given a sheet of paper and everyone used the basket of crayons, Kenny and Erin picked one color and cover the paper, Kez drew a potato and some of the members in his family