Bring a picture of a president.
Topic: Presidents
Our President has a lot of responsibility.
The value is responsibility. This includes leadership, which is the willingness to take responsibility.
For manners we’ll learn to make introductions, to say “You’re welcome”, “Excuse me”, and “No, thank you.” We’ll also talk about table manners.
Outside we’ll play mirrors and shadows.
The songs we’ll be singing are Getting to Know You, Happy Talk, America, America the Beautiful, God Bless America, and Lean on Me.
Our art activities are dictated drawing, kiss on a heart, jump-up heart, and cherry trees.
Creative dramatics is to hold an election. We’ll also learn about Washington’s cherry tree.
For body development, we’ll work on vestibular function with musical chairs, blindman’s bluff, twirling, and elephant walks. For motor development we’ll do coordination exercises with upside over, chorus line, and listening breathing.
In Montessori, we’re taught not to praise our children because it’s a form of reward, and rewards are self-defeating. The thinking is that when the reward is not given, the behavior will disappear. If the child is performing the work for his own benefit, the behavior perpetuates itself. We’re starting with the assumption that the work is desirable whether it’s because it’s interesting (like dinosaurs or trucks), it’s new and different, it’s something mom or dad does (as in read or cook dinner), or it’s a challenge (as in climb to the top of the play structure). Your job as a parent is to encourage your child to do more of the positive thing and not to criticize or de-motivate your child as a way to get things done. Here are some thoughts for you:
- Tone is critical. Our children can spot hypocrisy a mile away. Your trust, confidence, and acceptance must be authentically conveyed in your voice, facial expression, and body language. If you feel impatient, superior, or angry, no words will ring true.
- Progress is vital for people learning new skills. Children need encouragement when they show improvement. Notice signs of moving in a positive direction and comment on them, regardless of whether the improvement is large or small. This gives your child hope that she can make major gains. You might say:
“You did ____ better this time.”
“You couldn’t do that last week. Now you can!”
“Wow! You’re really getting good at that.”
- Always encourage children’s efforts. Encourage them to try things, especially things they think they cannot do. Children learn through experience, but might be afraid to try things because they believe they might make a mistake or fail. This is particularly true if they’ve been told they’re “smart”. They may need your support to help them risk making a mistake. You might say:
“You thought you couldn’t do that, but you tried.”
“You figured it out for yourself.”
“You’re really working hard on that.”
- Acknowledge your own mistakes. By modeling the courage to be imperfect, the adult is sending a powerful message that it is okay to make mistakes, to not always be ‘right’ all the time. You might say:
“Silly me, I forgot to do that.”
“Oops, I said the wrong thing. I didn’t mean that.”
“I grabbed a blue marker instead of the red one.”
- Notice other people’s good behaviors, and comment on them. Our kids pick it up really quickly. You might add analysis of the behavior, like loyal, courageous, honest, kind, etc., while you’re talking. It gives our kids vocabulary for behaviors.
On the Calendar
Valentine Celebration – This is a quiet little ceremony in which we talk about the people we care about and who care about us. Every child will need to bring enough valentines for the children in her class. We’ll exchange valentines on Thursday, Feb. 14.
Yearly Reminders – Class time begins at 9 A.M. and so much happens at the beginning of the day and late arrivals miss out, the school is dedicated to the care and education for your child regular late arrivals are at a disadvantage when arriving after the work cycle has begun. Via a parents concern for safety, do not allow your child to unlatch the gate, if your child is accustomed to helping by unlatching the gate consider on informing them why they cannot open the gate anymore the night before and during the morning drive to school.
Please finish all phone calls before you enter the school, your child needs to see that he is the most important thing to you.
In the toddler class; Madeline enjoys working with the alphabet puzzle, as she works with the fun puzzle she is discovering the sounds of letters A-Z. Michael likes one on one with his teacher; he remains focused as he works on increasing his vocabulary by working with the picture cards on clothes.
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