* * Show and Tell * *

Bring something you wear made of a different material.

(Anyone have a feather boa?)

Topic: Clothing

Clothes cover, protect, and adorn us.

The value is compassion, which is to understand how others are feeling.

For manners we’ll learn how to help the people in our school get clothes on, find work, or clean up a mess.

Outside we’ll play Simon says and ring toss.

The songs we’ll be singing are Ten in a Bed, We Shall Overcome, Let There Be Peace on Earth, Circle of Life, High Hopes, and Say, Say, Oh, Playmate.

Our art activities are sew a shirt, hats, laundry, and cardboard looms.

Creative dramatics will be acting out scenarios of good manners in our school.

For motor development we’ll build flexibility with yoga poses. We’ll also practice breathing and relaxing. For body development, we’ll work on proprioception with tug-of-war, box relay, and push apart.


The world has been changing, and the rate of change is increasing. Our little ones are going to be out in it so fast. As the adults who prepare our children, our job is to figure out what’s happening, and what can we do now so that in about 15 years, our children are ready and our families are strong. Here are some ideas for you:

  • Competence – Every one of us has to train ourselves to be able to cope in the new world. We have to have the intellectual muscle to understand technological changes, the social skills to meet new cultures in ways that don’t deny the best of our own culture, and the willingness to step out and advocate for what we believe our world should be. It’s called responsibility. As parents you have already made a part of that commitment. We just have to keep pushing it the rest of the way so that we all get smart and strong.
  • Collaboration – We’re going to have to figure out ways to meet everyone’s needs to create more value and to maintain our own values. Our collaboration has to break down the walls between interest groups without destroying those groups. The parent in me has to respect the parent in you, and the parent in Acres Home, and the parent in Iraq. Having quality education, world-wide communication, sustainable economies, advancing technology, and improving health will help get us there.
  • Compassion – This is not a do-gooder term. It recognizes that everyone has a part to contribute and a way to contribute it. Compassion understands that when we stand together, we stand stronger. You may have to bite your tongue, walk a little slower, make a game out of cleaning up the family room, or tuck your child in one more time with a smile, but we all get there stronger.
  • Competition – Healthy competition on an even playing field makes us all better. When my teammates are cheering me on, I can go farther and faster and higher than I thought I could. Any team can win – or lose – any time. There is no longer entitlement by birth, geography, or era. Ambition to achieve starts with the adults in our children’s lives, always to be the best we can be every day in every way. Our clarity and principles in an age of uncertainty will show our children the way. And we will have achieved our goals.


On the Calendar

Homestead Heritage Day – Give your children the gift of real-life demonstrations of how early settlers lived in Texas. Soap making, blacksmithing, and other life skills become more real when we see them up close. This event is at Jesse Jones Park on Saturday, Feb. 8.

Outside Words - In the book Hearing Everyone’s Voice, Susan Hopkins writes: “Building a sense of community requires the adults to value community, and to support and nurture its growth with the children in their care. Building democracy with children requires adults who have a vision of what they want for children – a world that values social equality and respect for individuals within the community. This vision is an essential first step; the second is helping children build the skills and values that allow them to contribute to such a world.”

classroom news

In the toddler class Leah is perfecting her pouring skill by pouring water from one container to another and if she spills a drop she uses a sponge to soak it all up. Christian’s language skills are impressive; after realizing that he accidently pushed his class mate he walked up to her and said, “I apologize.” In the primary class Jack and Kazuki are reading three letter words. By working with the movable alphabet and the object box they are putting together sounds of various letters and making words, they also use the three word booklets to help reinforce their reading skills. Asher is developing his hand writing ability by practicing writing his name. At first his letters were very large now the focus is writing smaller.

On the Calendar

Homestead Heritage Day – Give your children the gift of real-life demonstrations of how early settlers lived in Texas. Soap making, blacksmithing, and other life skills become more real when we see them up close. This event is at Jesse Jones Park on Saturday, Feb. 8.

Outside Words - In the book Hearing Everyone’s Voice, Susan Hopkins writes: “Building a sense of community requires the adults to value community, and to support and nurture its growth with the children in their care. Building democracy with children requires adults who have a vision of what they want for children – a world that values social equality and respect for individuals within the community. This vision is an essential first step; the second is helping children build the skills and values that allow them to contribute to such a world.”

classroom news

In the toddler class Leah is perfecting her pouring skill by pouring water from one container to another and if she spills a drop she uses a sponge to soak it all up. Christian’s language skills are impressive; after realizing that he accidently pushed his class mate he walked up to her and said, “I apologize.” In the primary class Jack and Kazuki are reading three letter words. By working with the movable alphabet and the object box they are putting together sounds of various letters and making words, they also use the three word booklets to help reinforce their reading skills. Asher is developing his hand writing ability by practicing writing his name. At first his letters were very large now the focus is writing smaller.