Bring a thing that shows what you’re doing.
(Think swimming, playing in the snow, going somewhere fancy, Halloween, etc.)
Topic: Clothing
Clothes cover, protect, and adorn us.
The value is compassion, which means to understand how others are feeling.
For manners we’ll practice noticing people who need help in our school, and then we’ll help them.
Outside we’ll play Simon Says and ring toss.
The songs we’ll be singing are Ten in a Bed, We Shall Overcome, Let There Be Peace on Earth, Circle of Life, and High Hopes.
For creative dramatics we’ll practice helping people in our school.
Our art activities are hats, sew a shirt, laundry, and cardboard looms.
For motor development, we’ll work on flexibility with yoga postures. We’ll also practice relaxing and deep breathing. For proprioception, we’ll play push apart, statue walk, tug-of-war, and box relay.
One of our mothers this week shared her sense of overwhelm with me. She had twins four months ago and is still at home on maternity leave. She had come in to the school to pick up her five-year-old. “But it’s going to get better”, she said hopefully.
My sense of it is that it doesn’t get better. This is not at all a negative attitude; it’s actually very positive. The whole world wistfully reaches out in love to children, remembering how wonderful it was when they had a little one at home. This is where we are, in that time people remember so fondly. Let’s take a hint and begin to treasure these times, making every day a series of moments to store in our memory bank.
But it’s not wonderful, you might say. I’m stressed to the max. My children have been sick, my boss wants more performance from me, and we’re going to have to buy a new car soon. Stop for a minute. What is wonderful about your life right now? You have a supportive spouse who still remembers why you two married, you have work where you make a contribution to our society, and your child loves nothing better than to snuggle up to you. Every day does present new challenges. It seems that just as we kind of get a grip on the routine though, things change. Your child enters a new phase, you get transferred, or your spouse takes up a new hobby. It’s all a part of the adventure!
People who have a sudden, life-threatening trauma talk about how dear every moment becomes to them. What if we could capture that gratitude for every moment without needing a “life shock”? What if today we could treasure the sparkle of the sun on water.
Every period in our lives has it growth opportunities for us. We call them “tough times” for want of a better word it doesn’t “get better. It just gets different. So be determined to make every day totally effective, with only top priority things being essential. Know it is okay to say “no”, and many things can wait until tomorrow — or never. Let every day be full of wonderful moments to treasure, because it truly doesn’t get any better than it is right now.
On the Calendar
Stone Snack Day – On Thursday, Jan. 25, every child should bring something to contribute to our “morning” stone shack. It’s an exercise in how we all contribute to the common good.
Can You Make Clothes? – If you know how to sew, weave, knit, or otherwise make clothing, we would love to have you demonstrate to the children. Please talk with us to schedule a time that would be convenient for you.
Valentine Preparations – We’ll have a quiet day for Valentines, but you can begin to prepare now. Every child will need a valentine for each child in the classroom. If your child can write his name, you might want to start labeling a few valentines at a time so he can proudly give valentines that he wrote to his friends.
Tuition – MMGS prides itself on not raising tuition every year and keeping tuition cost reasonable. So that we can offer competitive salaries and meet other raising cost we’ll have to increase tuition by $75 beginning in February. For your February payment please add $75 to the amount you are currently paying. In addition, you’ve seen the up-grade we did with the kitchen; we are also planning other updates for our infant classrooms and if all goes well we’ll end with more updates in the toddler class.
Palmer Malavansos enjoys the peg insert work where she lays out various large sized numbers and insert the pegs in corresponding number of holes; this works helps to improve attention span and is an indirect lesson to numbers. Amelie Ding spent a lot of time on the leaf work; she traced, colored and labeled the various parts of the leaf. This work takes days to complete and helps to improve fine motor skills, also give reassurance and offers an opportunity to practice handwriting
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